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Expanding eCommerce Business Without Adding Employees
Continue to Part II: Automating eCommerce Store»
Having an ecommerce website can be exciting and profitable, but without the proper tools, it can also be a lot of work. The more software you can implement to help minimize the workload, the better, so ecommerce automation programs and tools can be lifesavers, especially for high-volume sites. Sites that don't have a particularly large order volume can also benefit by automating as much as possible, as this can free up more time to spend on marketing, advertising, and expanding the business, not replying to emails, compiling data, following up on sales, and running affiliate programs. Ecommerce automation software does all these things and more, giving company and website owners more time to spend growing the business and less time dealing with the time-wasting part of it.Costs and Skills Required
As you can imagine, ecommerce automation can streamline your workload tremendously, and make your life much simpler. There are some set up requirements for any new software, but anyone who understands such things as affiliate marketing, email marketing, and other skills needed to run an online business, should be able to easily use these products.Checklist
- Export subscribers to spreadsheet
- Selectable cookie name/expiration
- Automatic follow ups
- Email templates
- Complete mail messenger
- Autoresponders
- Sales tax programming
- Customized order forms
Do You Need It?
Ecommerce automation can and should be done for websites of most any size, and users can choose to purchase individual programs to handle certain aspects of their ecommerce website, such as an autoresponder, shopping cart software, analytics, and more, or purchase one single program which has all or most of these components included. With an automated ecommerce site, users can easily program their products into their site with all the price and descriptive information included, set up autoresponding systems to answer emails and send follow up messages such as received order statements, and statements when their order goes out, and can have all the software needed to process transactions, including adding shipping and tax costs.
Here is a partial list of solutions providing various levels of automation support for your online shopping and delivery processes- ATG
- Auspient
- Broadvision
- DemandWare
- Elastic Path
- EOne Commerce
- Fry
- IBM Websphere
- Junction Solution
- MarketLive
- Monster
- Netsuite
- Nitrosell
- OsCommerce
- Prosodie
- Pro Stores
- SureSource
- Truition
- Vcommerce
- Venda
- Virid
- Yahoo! Stores
- Zen Cart
- Zoovy
Continue to Part II: Automating eCommerce Store»
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